Perihelion Day—that monumental day each year when the orbit of the Earth around the Sun takes us a few steps closer to that big glorious ball than any other day—came off without a hitch.
Some are calling it “revisionist history.” Others are calling it “way past due.” Regardless, the NFL announced today that it is conducting an official review of the play known as “The Immaculate Reception.”
In a move designed to remove the human element and gain complete control of all facets of the game and its outcomes, the NFL announced Monday that all rosters and officiating crews will now be comprised solely of league-controlled robots.
When the idea of a mission trip to Greece was first proposed to me, the two strongest draws were the location and the opportunity to serve refugees. Surprisingly, the Hokey Pokey wasn’t on the list.
Paul's steps were small; he did not know he was a giant. If he were here today, he would never recognize himself in the rear view mirror, larger than life.
I've always considered myself a pretty laid-back guy. Then I went to Greece and realized I’m practically a Certified Public Accountant when it comes to my need to control the outcome.
Greeks don’t sleep. Their bodies move to a different rhythm. They eat late, move at their own pace, live without many boundaries around their schedules.